About CLARIN K-centre for Icelandic

K-ICELANDIC is a CLARIN Knowledge Centre that provides information and advice about the Icelandic language - linguistic properties, available tools and resources, etymology, dialects and more.

K-ICELANDIC is hosted by The Icelandic Language Council. The role of the Icelandic Language Committee is among others to advise the government on the issue of the Icelandic language on a theoretical basis and to make proposals to the minister on language policy, as well as to make annual resolutions on the status of the Icelandic language. The committee's office is at The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies which is a CLARIN B-centre. K-Icelandic is an initiative of CLARIN-ERIC and CLARIN-IS.

Here below is information about the helpdesk and some available resources.


The helpdesk of K-ICELANDIC is run by the team at the CLARIN Centre at The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies. We can provide information about the CLARIN-IS infrastructure, various aspects of the Icelandic language and the resources and tools related to the Icelandic language available in our repository or elsewhere. We are also happy to help you to get in contact with experts in related areas.

Write to clarin @ clarin.is - we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Linguistic resources: datasets


Several Icelandic corpora can be found on CLARIN's repository Here belowe some of the main corpora are listed but a more comprehensive list can be found here.


  • The Icelandic Contemporary Treebank (IceConTree) download
  • The Icelandic Parsed Historical Corpus (IcePaHC)

Tagged monolingual corpora

  • Icelandic Gigaword Corpus (IGC)
  • Tagged Icelandic Corpus (MIM)
  • Icelandic Frequency Dictionary(IFD)
  • The Saga Corpus

Parallel corpora

  • ParIce: English-Icelandic parallel corpus

Voice samples and sound files

  • Samrómur Corpus 
  • Talrómur Corpus 2

Lexical resources

Several dictionaries and other linguistic resources can be accessed through the language portal Malid.is or/and downloaded from CLARINS's repository. For a more detailed list see here.


  • A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic
  • Islex - Icelandic-Scandinavian multilingual dictionary
  • Icelandic etymological dictionary   

Language descriptions

  • The Database of Modern Icelandic Inflection (DMII)
  • The Icelandic Word Web


  • IceGrams
  • N-gram viewer

Tools for Icelandic

Several tools for annotating, processing and translating Icelandic texts have been developed in recent years, especially within the Language Technology Programme. Some of the main tools are listed below but a more detailed list can be found here.

Language learning

The University of Iceland offers a free online course. The website Tungumálatorg.is provides information about resources for teachers and students. Several schools and institutions offer language courses, both on line and onsite, for example The University of Iceland, Mímir and Tin Can Factory:

  • Icelandic online
  • Tungumálatorg.is

Automatic linguistic annotation

  • A Part-of-Speech tagger (ABL-tagger)
  • ABL-lemmatizer
  • Icelandic NER API - Ensamble model
  • Icelandic NER API - ELECTRA-base model

Speech processing

Several models and recipes for speech recognition and synthesis can be found here. Tiro is a technology company that participated in the programme Language Technology for Icelandic 2018-2022 that offers solutions in speech processing.

Machine translation

Various translation machines and models for Icelandic can be found here. Publicly available machine translation engines from or to Icelandic are listed below:

  • Velthyding.is
  • Google.com


Language Policy

 Here below are links to documents concerning Icelandic language policy and planning: